Gomoku : cinq pierres daffilée

Gomoku : cinq pierres daffilée

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Gomoku : cinq pierres daffilée — AllWebGames
Gomoku : cinq pierres daffilée

Gomoku : cinq pierres daffilée

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Sur le jeu

Traduit automatiquement
Gomoku, also known as Five in a Row, is a two-player board game that challenges logic and strategy. The game is played on a square board measuring 19x19 points in the traditional version or 15x15 in the modern sports version. Players take turns placing stones of two colors on the board. The objective of the game is to be the first to form a row of five consecutive stones in any direction – vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The game has various rule variations, making it interesting and versatile. It is believed to have originated in China over two thousand years ago and has since gained worldwide popularity, with numerous competitions held worldwide. Gomoku can be enjoyed in different ways, including playing against computer-generated opponents, challenging a friend on the same device, or engaging in online multiplayer matches.

Comment jouer

The game is played on a square field called a board. The board is divided into lines that go up and down and lines that go side to side. Where these lines cross, they make little boxes called points. You can choose how big you want the board to be: 9x9, 11x11, 13x13, 15x15, 17x17, or 19x19. There are two players in the game. One player uses black stones, and the other uses white stones. Each player takes turns putting their stones on the board in empty boxes. Black goes first. After that, the players take turns putting down a stone. The goal of the game is to put five stones in a row: either side-by-side, top-to-bottom, or diagonally. The row has to be made of your color stones. If the board fills up but neither player has made a row of five stones, then it's a tie.

Informations sur jeu

Classement par âge
Prise en charge de l'autorisation
japonais, estonien, suédois, tchèque, croate, hindi, français, finlandais, ourdou, ukrainien, ouzbek, turkmène, telugu, tamoul, thaïlandais, tadjik, tagal, swahili, slovène, slovaque, cingalais, serbe, roumain, portugais, polonais, persan, norvégien, néerlandais, népalais, allemand, mongol, marathi, malayalam, malais, macédonien, lituanien, letton, laotien, khmer, coréen, chinois, kirghize, catalan, kannara, kazakh, italien, espagnol, islandais, indonésien, hébreu, zoulou, danois, géorgien, grec, galicien, vietnamien, hongrois, bulgare, birman, bengali, biélorusse, basque, afrikaans, arménien, arabe, amharique, azerbaïdjanais, turc, anglais, russe
Orientation de l'écran
Date de sortie
15 mars 2024
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