Plants VS Zombie: Fog

Plants VS Zombie: Fog

47Bewertung AllWebGames
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Plants VS Zombie: Fog — AllWebGames
Plants VS Zombie: Fog Spiel

Plants VS Zombie: Fog Spiel

47Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

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The new version of the game that we are talking about is similar to the well-known «Plants vs. Zombies». The main goal of the game remains the same: protect your home from zombies. If the zombies reach the house, then you lose the game. To protect your house, you need to use various types of plants including bean-shooters, wall-nuts, and other special plants. However, the complexity of the game lies in the fact that some areas are covered with fog or water, which requires you to use special aquatic plants that can grow on water. The variety of plants and zombies with their unique mechanics adds depth to the gameplay. Don't let those zombies get to your house!


To defend your home, you should grow and position plants using a mouse or your finger. But remember, certain plants like peas can't be planted in water zones without a special tool, which is given to you automatically when you create every second plant of a different type! If a zombie reaches your house, you lose. Each defeated zombie earns you money based on its strength, allowing you to buy more plants. As you buy plants, zombies become more numerous. You can see which zombies are coming your way by checking the button in the bottom left corner. To buy a plant, click the top-left button and pick your desired plant – note that there's a limit to how many you can buy.

Informationen zum Spiel

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21. Nov. 2024
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