Rocket Truck - Crazy Stunts On Jet Cybertruck!

Rocket Truck - Crazy Stunts On Jet Cybertruck!

Green Apple Games
51Bewertung AllWebGames
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Rocket Truck - Crazy Stunts On Jet Cybertruck! — AllWebGames
Rocket Truck - Crazy Stunts On Jet Cybertruck! Spiel

Rocket Truck - Crazy Stunts On Jet Cybertruck! Spiel

51Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

Automatisch übersetzt
An eco-conscious electric car combined with a rocket engine that burns a lot of fuel? Imagine the thrill of pulling off incredible stunts on a jet-powered Cybertruck in this game! You'll encounter a variety of challenges, some of which are inspired by the beloved and legendary modes from GTA Online, while others are unique to this game. Get ready for heart-pounding moments like the «Slippery descent», daring stunts, crates filled with dynamite falling from the sky, narrow gaps that test your skills, and many more exciting obstacles in this thrilling car simulator! So, don't wait any longer, hit that «play» button, and enjoy the adventure :3


CONTROL ON THE GROUND: On PC: • W — accelerates • A — turns left • D — turns right • S — puts the vehicle in reverse • Space bar — applies emergency braking On phone: • Up arrow — accelerates • Left arrow — turns left • Right arrow — turns right • Down arrow — applies emergency brakes or puts the vehicle into reverse CONTROL IN THE AIR: Desktop: • Caps lock — tilts the vehicle forward • Shift — tilts it backward • A key — rolls the vehicle to the left • D key — rolls it to the right Mobile: • The up arrow — tilts your vehicle forward • The down arrow — tilts backward • the left arrow — rolls to the left • right arrow — rolls right GENERAL: PC: • E — activates rocket engine • F — restarts the current test • C — changes the camera view • P — opens the settings menu Phone: • Rocket Fire button — engage rocket boost • Retry button — restart the current attempt • Settings button — access the menu

Informationen zum Spiel

Russisch, Englisch
10. Sept. 2024
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