Super playground: noobs, chips and cola!

Super playground: noobs, chips and cola!

AMG Games
80Bewertung AllWebGames
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Super playground: noobs, chips and cola! — AllWebGames
Super playground: noobs, chips and cola! Spiel

Super playground: noobs, chips and cola! Spiel

80Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

Automatisch übersetzt
The party was in full swing, with lots of snacks and drinks, when suddenly, the evil zombies appeared! We must fight them off. Construct buildings, equip the noobs with various weapons, set up traps and ambushes for the zombies. In this game, you'll find: - lifelike physics, with explosions and realistic characters and items; - a variety of blocks for building; - an arsenal of weapons including pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, rocket launchers, and chainsaws; - explosives such as dynamite and mines; - equipment to aid in your battle; - the ability to inject vaccines and viruses; - and other items like TVs, snacks, and drinks.


Control and customization. Click the icon in the upper right corner to access the menu and start building the level of your dreams. Here you can pick any object you like and place it anywhere you want. Within the menu, you'll find multiple sections: - Heart, gun, key or block icons represent different object types. Just click on any of them and then click on the desired spot on the level to place the object. - Close the menu using the cross icon (handy when you need a better view of the level) - Clicking on the recycle bin activates object deletion mode. - The circular arrow button clears the entire level for a fresh start. - Lastly, there's a hand icon that switches off the current mode (either build or delete). Additional features: * Objects can be moved simply by clicking and dragging them to a new location. * Dynamite barrels ignite when you click on them. * Use the same principle to move the camera — slide it left or right for a different view of your level.

Informationen zum Spiel

Russisch, Englisch
5. Juni 2024
Spiele für dich
Players say
Das Spiel bietet Benutzern an, gegen Zombies zu kämpfen und eine echte Nubik-Party zu veranstalten
Im Spiel können Sie Häuser bauen, Nubiles bewaffnen, Fallen und Hinterhalte für Zombies arrangieren
Benutzer können verschiedene Blöcke und Türen bauen, Waffen, Sprengstoff, Ausrüstung und sogar Injektionen herstellen
Es gibt Chips, Cola, Limonade und Chokopai im Spiel
Musik im Stil von Skibidi-Dop und Chipi-Chipi schafft eine festliche Atmosphäre
Benutzer bemerken, dass das Spiel interessant und lustig ist
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