Belagerung und Übertragbarer Durak

Belagerung und Übertragbarer Durak

Cards Games
50Bewertung AllWebGames
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Belagerung und Übertragbarer Durak — AllWebGames
Belagerung und Übertragbarer Durak Spiel

Belagerung und Übertragbarer Durak Spiel

50Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

Automatisch übersetzt
Discover the thrill of Siege and Transferable Durak, the hottest card games available for your device! Dive into the action-packed world of online card gaming with Siege or Transferable Durak. What awaits you in the game: - Beautiful themes, special card sets, and impressive card backs. - True to the original, exciting Siege and Transferable Durak gameplay. - Play with one opponent or challenge multiple players. - Build your unique collection of decks. - Earn achievements and climb the ranks. - Experience the fast-paced dynamics of Transferable Durak mode. Become a master of the deck in our Durak game!


The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all the cards in your hand. The last person holding cards in their hand at the end of the round loses and is called the "Durak" or "fool". The play continues clockwise after each player's attack. In the game of «Durak», you can attack with any card you have. To beat an attack, you need either a higher card of the same suit or any trump card. If you can't or don't want to beat the attacking cards, you must pick them up. «Transferable Durak» adds a twist to the game. When attacked, the defender can add a card of the attacking rank to the attack pile, shifting the responsibility to the next player in the clockwise order. The new defender must then beat the new attacking cards or transfer them to another player. But there are some limitations: a defender who has started their defense cannot transfer the attacking cards anymore. Also, a defender cannot transfer more cards than the next player has. Enjoy the game on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or even on your TV!

Informationen zum Spiel

Türkisch, Russisch, Portugiesisch, Hindi, Spanisch, Englisch, Deutsch
1. März 2024
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