Murder Drones Endless Way

Murder Drones Endless Way

Abyss Moth
49Bewertung AllWebGames
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Murder Drones Endless Way — AllWebGames
Murder Drones Endless Way Spiel

Murder Drones Endless Way Spiel

49Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

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Embark on an exhilarating adventure in a fresh and immersive gaming world! In Murder Drones Endless Way you take control of one of the most lethal drones, which stumbles upon a mysterious portal to another dimension. This action-packed arcade game challenges you to overcome a variety of obstacles and defeat powerful adversaries. Discover the new «Destroyer's Labyrinth» mode: Dive into this thrilling mode where you'll face off against turrets, navigate across platforms, and outsmart various traps. Test your skills and show that you are the ultimate killing machine! Survive for as long as possible while avoiding the boss's attacks and prove your gaming prowess. Compare your progress with other players using the leaderboard system.


Here's the revised version of your text: «Jump by tapping the screen. Your character will die if they hit any obstacle, the ground or the ceiling. *Note that boss attacks don't kill in one hit.* Destroyer's Lair Mode: On PC: - Use the A and D keys to move. - Press Space or W to jump. - To interact with objects or push them, press Е. - Left-click to attack. Enemy hits deal damage, but won't kill you in one hit. On mobile devices: - Move left or right with the joystick on the left. - Tap the arrow pointing up to jump. - Interact with objects using an icon in the shape of a hand (it's like Е on PC). - Attack using a claw-shaped icon. Game Objective: Collect coins and unlock new character appearances. Overcome various obstacles. Stay alive for as long as possible, avoiding enemy hits and deadly traps!»

Informationen zum Spiel

Russisch, Englisch
10. Juni 2023
Spiele für dich
Players say
Das Spiel «Killer-Drohnen: Der endlose Weg» zeichnet sich durch ein originelles und abwechslungsreiches Level-Design aus
Es gibt eine hohe Grafikqualität und angenehme Charaktermodelle
Das Gameplay des Spiels ist faszinierend und lässt sich nicht langweilen
Das Spiel hat herausfordernde Levels, die zu einem echten Test für die Spieler werden
Benutzer möchten mehr Charaktere, Skins und Spielmodi im Spiel sehen
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