My Farm

My Farm

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65Bewertung AllWebGames
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My Farm — AllWebGames
My Farm Spiel

My Farm Spiel

65Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

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Grow a variety of plants, take care of animals, catch fish, and set up production lines. Create a collection of unique animals in your very own zoo, meet interesting visitors, and embark on exciting journeys! In this game, you can: 🌺 Experience a fun gameplay that millions of players love. Grow your farm, create new products, and complete exciting challenges. 🌺 Get special boxes with cool stuff, unique animals, and colorful decorations for your farm. 🌺 Grow more than 100 kinds of vegetables, flowers, and trees that you can use for making things, feeding animals, or completing tasks. 🌺 Collect more than 200 different animals – each one is special in its own way. 🌺 Make over 300 different products using the things you grow on your farm. 🌺 Try out new ways of fishing that you've never seen before. Maybe you'll catch something cool like an ice pike or a meteorite from the lake! 🌺 Use different tools like cultivators and seed drills to help you on your farm. 🌺 Find friends and make new ones by creating farmers guilds, sending gifts, and participating in exciting competitions and fun events.


On your farm, you have the opportunity to cultivate a variety of vegetables and fruits in your garden, as well as tend to a farmyard filled with animals. All the produce you harvest will find its place in your Barn! You can sell the Garden's yield for coins or utilize it to nourish your animals. Additionally, you can sell items from your Farmyard and send adult animals to the Zoo. Creating a collection of the same type of animal will reward you with a valuable prize. In the Shop, you'll find a wide range of options, including the ability to buy animals, fishing rods, equipment, and fuel for various needs. Moreover, you may rent useful bonuses for your facility. These bonuses can greatly enhance your productivity in both the Garden and the Farmyard, alongside providing additional experience. Join a farmers guild or establish your own and extend invitations to other farmers for collaborative tournament victories! Earn Achievements for your Farmer's Guild, gain experience, and progress through the Influence Levels. This advancement unlocks new buildings, exclusive discounts from other farmer's guilds, and desirable bonuses as you climb higher in the Guild. Lastly, don't miss out on the celebrations and enjoy the fun-filled moments on the farm!

Informationen zum Spiel

Türkisch, Russisch, Englisch
10. Feb. 2021
Spiele für dich
Players say
Das Spiel über die Farm wurde von den Spielern sehr geschätzt
Das Projekt hat ein pädagogisches Potenzial, hilft beim Lernen, mit einem Computer zu arbeiten
Das Gameplay ist vielfältig und lässt sich nicht langweilen, kann aber schwierig sein
Das Spiel hat Aufgaben, Ereignisse und Wettbewerbe sowie die Möglichkeit der Kommunikation
Die Spieler bemerken die hochwertigen Grafiken und die hervorragende Arbeit der Künstler
Einige Benutzer kritisieren die technische Implementierung des Spiels und den Support
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