Dead Land: Survival

Dead Land: Survival

79Bewertung AllWebGames
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Dead Land: Survival — AllWebGames
Dead Land: Survival Spiel

Dead Land: Survival Spiel

79Bewertung AllWebGames
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Über das Spiel

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Dead Land: Survival is an exciting online game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The once familiar world is now destroyed, with decaying cities and bloodthirsty zombies lurking everywhere. In this game, you can develop your character, rebuild your shelter, and explore the dangerous world outside the safe zone to find equipment, food, and materials for crafting new items. You can also team up with other players in clans to create powerful weapons and take on challenging missions together. Key features of the game include intense battles against zombies, crafting your own weapons and equipment, rebuilding a settlement for survivors, and playing with friends to raid elite bosses and participate in clan competitions. Join the action-packed adventure in Dead Land: Survival now!


How to fix broken things? If something is broken, you can fix it in the Workshop building by using the Repair option. How to put a new box in the storage? First, make some space in the storage. Take out one of the existing boxes and leave it empty, then put the new box there. What can you do with lighters, cigarettes, matches, pine cones or other things like that? Many things in the game might be needed for quests given by settlers. Some of them you can also use to make buildings and shelters better. You can either collect them in advance or get them when you need them, selling extra things to the trader in the settlement. Choose the way that works best for you. I have 75 ears but I still can't go into Amelia's Diner, even though I have them with me. To open up the place, move the infected ears from your bag to the spot that says 0/75. How do I start the game again from scratch? Go to your Profile, then find Settings. Click on the "Restart" button.

Informationen zum Spiel

Russisch, Englisch
24. Feb. 2021
Spiele für dich
Players say
Das Spiel hat eine einfache und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche
Es gibt Fehler, Bugs und Optimierungsprobleme
Viele Benutzer bemerken die Straffheit des Gameplays
Ein Teil der Spieler lobt das Spiel, stellt jedoch fest, dass es an Updates fehlt
Eine Vielzahl von Gegenständen, Waffen und Orten wird positiv bewertet
Es werden Wünsche geäußert, um mehr Missionen hinzuzufügen und das Gleichgewicht der Wirtschaft zu verbessern
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